Our recent events are listed in the calendar, please click on the underlined dates to register for events on that day.

Please register prior to attending to help us plan our day, and to get cancellation notice and news. 

Monthly EGC Volunteer Workdays

First Saturdays { 9am-12pm }

Second Saturdays { 9am-12pm }

Arroyo Upper Elementary School & Central Middle School (San Carlos)

Third Saturdays { 9am-12pm }

Redwood High School (San Carlos)

Portola Elementary School (San Bruno)

Boys & Girls Club of the Peninsula (Redwood City)

Fourth Saturdays { 9am-12pm }

Mariposa Upper Elementary School & Tierra Linda Middle School (San Carlos)

Belle Air Elementary School (San Bruno)

{2nd & 4th Saturdays of each month}

Backyard Harvests (San Mateo County)