Written by Thia Dotson, Communications Intern
Through January 13th-28th we had our Backyard Harvest Challenge between the North and South regions of San Carlos. We appreciate all the support from our community and are pleased to announce that the challenge was a success. This year, the North took the trophy from the South with a total of 117.19 lbs! And the biggest contributor who will be receiving a free fruit tree on campus goes to Mariposa Elementary School with 87 lbs!
Thank you to all the participants and volunteers who helped us reach our goal of giving back to the Samaritan House of San Mateo. As a result of all your contributions, we are able to promote volunteerism, and community building while also spreading awareness on food security, public health, and sustainable agriculture, EGC’s core values.

Harvested citrus ready to donate to Samaritan House of San Mateo. (January 27th, 2024. Photo taken by Emily Verstraete, Community Garden Coordinator)

Backyard Harvest Challenge before and after pictures of orange tree. (January 27th, 2024. Photo taken by Emily Verstraete, Community Garden Coordinator)
Orange we grateful for our wonderful community and environment that never fails to put a smile on our face!

Backyard Harvest Challenge before and after pictures of lemon tree. (January 27th, 2024. Photo taken by Emily Verstraete, Community Garden Coordinator)
To sign up and donate your backyard produce click here.
To check our more volunteer opportunities, click here.
And don’t forget…when life gives you lemons, it’s always a good idea to share.