Written by Ania Tureczek, Education and Curriculum Development Intern

What is “Love A Tree Day”?
This is an environmental holiday that is meant to celebrate and appreciate the many ways that trees contribute to the wellbeing of us and the Earth. This is a great day to learn more about the importance and benefits of trees for the environment.
Benefits of Trees on Health
Oxygen : This is one of the most well known benefits of trees! Through photosynthesis, trees produce oxygen which we can then breathe in.
Air Filtration : Trees remove particulate matter, which is air pollution that is very dangerous for our lungs. The most effective filtration is within 100 feet of a tree.
Tree canopies : Tree canopies help cool down us and our homes, which is especially useful with rising temperatures due to climate change. There’s nothing like laying in the shade on a hot summer day!
Water Filtration : Trees also help filter rainwater before it gets used for tap water. Rain is filtered as it flows through the soil, and roots keep sediments and pollutants from running into waterways.
Mental Health : Trees help with mental health by reducing stress levels, even if it is just a short walk through a park. Also, being in the presence of trees can help with concentration by reducing mental fatigue.
Fruit : Trees produce delicious fruit that is healthy for us to eat. Your food can’t get any more fresh than straight from the source of a tree!
Fun Facts about Trees!
- More than 20% of the oxygen on Earth is produced by trees in the Amazon Rainforest.
- Some tree species can be thousands of years old, such as the Bristlecone Pines, Yew trees, and Ginkgo Biloba trees. California has the record for the oldest living trees!
- Trees can block noise by reducing sound waves.
- In the Northern Hemisphere, moss grows on the north side of the tree since this part is generally in the shade. This can help you find your way if ever get lost on a hike!
- Tree rings not only show the tree’s age, but also the impacts of climate change. A thick ring shows a time period full of resources and growth, while a thin ring shows a time when resources were scarce, such as during a drought.
Celebrate with Fun Tree-Related Activities!
- Practice forest bathing, a Japanese way of being quiet and breathing deeply amongst the trees to silently observe the nature around you
- Finger paint a handprint tree
- Head outside and do some tree identification using a free online field guide from the Arbor Day Foundation
- Pick up some sticks and leaves to make DIY raft boats
- Make bark and leaf rubbings, using paper and crayons to pick up the textures and patterns underneath
